I have seen this survey on a few blogs and I have really enjoyed reading them, so I thought I'd play along too!! Here goes!
1. Who was the first person you said I Love You to today? My hubby, when he was leaving for work
2. Do you still talk to your first love? No
3. What was your first alcoholic drink? Zimas with jolly ranchers or Boones Farm, one of the 2
4. What was the first question asked to you today? Mom, am I un-grounded yet?
5. What was your first car? Black Chevy Cavilier
6. Who was the first person to text you today? My SIL Aimee
7. Who is the first person you thought of today? Huddy
8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Cloud
9. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Florida
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? I went out to my back yard and met some friends, I ended up getting caught and in some trouble!
11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? A girl from elementary, and she moved away and became very odd, so No! And Jennifer Francis, who was my best friend at church, I have lots of memories of us at church together! And yes, we are bloggy friends still!
12. Where was your first sleepover? I have no idea, Maybe a girl from my class at school
13. Who was the first person you talked to this morning? The hubby
14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? A girl I don't even know, but for some reason I was her flower girl
15. What was the first thing you thought this morning? Hudson, please don't fuss ALL day again!
16. What was the first concert you ever went to? The Dixie Chicks with Lauren and Katie, we thought we were Natalie, Emily, and whatsherface
17. First tattoo & piercing? Tattoo on back when I turned 18, a tribal butterfly, and belly-button when I was 18, which I no longer have
18. First foreign country you went to? :( never been out of the country
19. Who was your first crush? hmm, thats hard, Maybe Jonathan Taylor Thomas or Justin Timberlake
20. When was your first detention? High School
21. What was the first state you lived in? Arkansas
22. Who was the first person to break your heart? I'm over it so no need to go there again.
Hudsons Secret...
Commenting 7-day Challenge
Jenna is having a week long blog commenting challenge I urge you to participate in! Everyone kinda gets in a blogging/commenting rut, so this is a great way to help jump-start our blogging again! Me, on the otherhand, I read and check peoples blog constantly, but when I am reading them from my phone, its such a pain having to sign in 200 times and then do the stupid word verification... so to complete this challenge, I am going to not be lazy and comment even if I have to type my email address 10 different times!
Heres the challenge: For one week, let's visit at least 10 blogs each day and leave a comment on them.
It's that easy! Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by! Have a great Sunday afternoon! Ohh... Be sure to check back tomorrow! Hudsons special 1st birthday post will be up!
Heres the challenge: For one week, let's visit at least 10 blogs each day and leave a comment on them.
It's that easy! Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by! Have a great Sunday afternoon! Ohh... Be sure to check back tomorrow! Hudsons special 1st birthday post will be up!
Beach 2010
Here are the photos my friend Misti took while we were at the beach. The storm was rolling in and we didn't get as many shots as we wanted but I'm sure glad to have these few memories of my sweet family. (please excuse my terrible wind destroyed hair, the wind was crazy and sand was blowing in our faces like crazy!) Hopefully we can see our beaches look that pretty and clean again!

Colsons Birthday Present
Yesterday I mentioned we were going to get the rest of Colson's present. Well we went to Romancing the Stone in North Little Rock to purchase some hermit crabs. We ended up coming home with 3 little guys, 4 extra shells for them to change into: a spongebob, superman, batman, & spiderman, 2 hermit huts: a baseball and a spiderman, food, coral, a 50lb bag of sand, and all the other goodies that come along with owning crabs. We got them all settled in last night in my parents old aquarium. Colson has had so much fun learning about them and playing with them, (well, until they pinch him.) He also loves the fact they get to live in his room. Here are our new family members, Phineus, Ferb, and Candice (as in the show on Nickelodeon!) They are in the orange, red and yellow shells for now.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The Party
We had reserved the pool to have Colsons birthday party at. But here lately, we have been having a lot of summer rain showers, (which is very rare, usually at this point in July, everything has already burned up, due to the lack of rain, so I'm not complaning!) and it just so happend to start pouring down rain Sunday afternoon until about 6:30, and the party was at 7. Not just rain, but thunder and lightening too. So I had to make a decision on what we would do. We weren't going to cancel his party, (he would never understand), so I made a call to my friend Jaime who just so happens to own Touchdown Sally's here in Benton, told her the situation, and she told us she would be ready for us to crash her restaraunt at 7:30. She totally saved our party. I called all the parents and all our family and told them the change of plans. We ended up having a great time and the party went perfect! **For the record, we went to the pool to tell the lifeguards what was going on and they told us they understood. We got the restaraunt and not there was nothing but blue skies and no rain the entire party. Go figure!** Here are a few pictures!
Colson turns 5!!
Yes, you read that right! My little Colson is 5 years old! I have no idea how that happened! Its like I blinked and here he is, turning 5, and starting Kindergarten.
Colson turned 5 on July 6th, so we told him he could pick where he wanted to eat. He chose the "Shu-Shu" place, aka Sakura. He loves eating there and he always eats such a good dinner. We met my parents, and my nephew Braden there, and we stopped and picked up his buddy Eli, and had our own little party there.
Jeremiah, Huddy and Me
Colson and Braden waiting for the cooking to begin!
The Birthday Boy
Getting to cook the eggs! He was so excited!
Colson, Braden, and Eli, using the chop sticks as drum sticks
Happy Birthday big boy! I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your mommy!
We are going to get the last part of his birthday present tonight. I'll blog about it tomorrow! It will be funny!
My Little Fishie
The second week of June, Colson started swim lessons at Mills Park in Bryant. He loves the water, and has no fear. He loves going all the way under in the pool without holding his nose, but I needed him to learn how to become a swimmer.
Well, we still aren't "swimmer", but he did learn how to tread water, float on his back, kick his feet, and do arm circles. I am very impressed with what he learned and very pleased with Mills Park.
Colson ended up making some new friends, Jaggar and Nate. I already knew Jaggar and his mom, and we met Nate and his mom,Amy, and have ended up having a few play dates with the boys! They all have so much fun together! Here are some pics from the week!
Colson and Ms. Chelsea
Little Fish
(Nate on the far left, Jaggar in the middle, and Colson on the end)
(this was teaching them how to swim on their back)
Jeremiah turns 33!
I have become so behing on blogging! I have been reading everyone blogs, and commenting, but somehow, I have been overloaded with birthday parties.
I'll start back in June. Jeremiah turned 33 on the 11th, and I decided the week of his birthday, that I was going to throw him a surprise party that weekend. Crazy, I know. I got everything ready, sent him off to the lake Friday and Saturday, and expected him to be home by 5, Saturday night. Well, to brag, I successfully managed to surprise him. He had no idea. We had about 25 people over at the house and had a good evening hanging out, eating, and visiting.
Jeremiah and his brothers.
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