His nursing and sleeping has become so much easier. Thanks to all the moms who offered up all their knowledge and helpful hints. I really, REALLY appreciate it! We have a good routine going on, and all is well!
Hudson went Friday for his 1 week appointment, and everything was perfect! He has gained 2 ounces since we have been home, so that puts him at a whopping 5lbs, 12oz. He's Huge! His weight gain reassured me that I am doing fine nursing how I am, and that I should quit all the worrying! Dr. Weed was very pleased with everything, so we go back at 2 months!
We went shopping today at the mall, and he did great. He slept the most of the time, got a dry diaper, ate, and then we came home! Our first trip was a success!!
Here is a sweet picture of Hudson tonight at bedtime... Rolled up like a burrito!
I am so glad I am not the only mom who takes their one week old to the mall after their check-up!!! At Meg's 1 wk. appt. the doctor said I should avoid places like the mall and all I could think was that Mom and Sarah were sitting out there and the car was packed with the stroller, breast pump, extra baby cloths...ready to go shopping!!!
Haha same here about taking out the baby. There was no way I was about to stay at home for 3 months as suggested by the pediatrician. Are you kidding me? So glad to hear all is well with you and little Hudson and that the nursing is going good! He's adorable!
I'm so glad things are going much better nursing! He is just the cutest little guy!
Awwww.....a little Hudson burrito! He looks yummy!!!
He is so precious! I know how you feel! I took Boston Christmas shopping with me in Tulsa! It was even warm enough that day to eat outside at a cafe and we did. I loved it more then than now.. she hates to shop now!!
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