this post is going to be in all small caps because i am holding a fussy baby who is ready to eat and i have no milk... that is why im posting...
hudson is nursing and i really don't want to quit, but he is not getting full. he eats and then is hungry again in an hour and a half or so. last night i gave him a formula bottle to supplement him and help him sleep and then nursed the rest of the day. now, at 8:05pm, he is hungry, and i'm empty. i don't want him to lose any more weight, so what should i do or try? anyone ever dealt with this?
Have you tried pumping in between feedings to stimulate more milk production? A SNS (supplemental nursing system) can also be great until your milk production stabilizes. Its a tiny tube you tape to your breast that will allow Hudson to get a little formula (or expressed breast milk) while he is nursing.
Another question. Have you checked to see if he is tongue tied? Aiden was tongue tied and I had the same issue. The little piece of skin under the tongue is too close to the end of the tongue, keeping him from sucking efficiently.
I had a friend that also had the tongue tied problem so check that out. And another friend didn't get a good milk supply in until her baby was a week old, so keep nursing on schedule. You can supplement if needed but make sure you nurse first. I would definetly pump. Pumping in between or more often will help your milk supply and make sure you are intaking lots of fluids! Since my girls were in the NICU all I could do was pump, and I received milk the day after they were born, but I also leaked throughout my pregnancy. But the lactationist said make sure you stay on a schedule and to pump for at least 20 minutes, so nurse for at least 20 minutes.
Also wanted to add that fenugreek can help increase your milk supply. You can find how much is needed at the kellymom website. It will make you smell like maple syrup, but some people have great results with it. I found it at GNC, I think. And make sure you are eating (and drinking, as Kristi said) enough, too. Most nursing moms need 300-500 more calories per day to maintain a good supply.
I wouldn't do the formula but would just keep on nursing. It may be super close together feedings, but the more you nurse, the more milk you will produce. Also try Fenugreek. It may just be that your milk is slow to come in- mine took a week or so I think? Do you know of any lactation consultants around there? If so I'd call them or call the hospital and ask for a recommendation. Drink lots and lots of fluids and make sure you are eating enough!! I'm sorry you are going through this, but the worst really is the first few weeks or so and then it really does get easier. I remember crying in the middle of night to Craig but I stuck with it and it was definitely worth it!!
I wouldn't do anything until you talk to a lactation nurse. Most problems such as these can be resolved easily. I would make sure you are nursing on a schedule, such as every two hour or every three hours as well as getting lots of fluids and calories. That will help establish your supply.
I take fenugreek and have been since Brody was 4 months old. Tiffany is right about the smell, but it is a great supplement that doesn't have any weird side effects, unlike the meds the doctor will give you for supply issues. If your supply is really low, your dr can give you reglan to boost your supply. I took that a couple of weeks ago and it really helped. Just see what is suggested by the LC.
Hang in there! It can be a challenge but is well worth it once you get the hang of it!
Hey Linds.. sorry you are having trouble! Just keep at it and take all the advice. I felt like I was eating ALL the time to keep mine up but once it came in (it took a good week or so b/c Boston was in special care and couldnt nurse for a few days). just remember: the more milk you get out.. the more has to take its place!! I always stuck by that! Good Luck!
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