Kelly is hosting a Baby Gear tour over on her blog and I thought I would participate this week.
Baby Gear gets a
wee bit overwhelming when trying to decide what is worth the money and what is a waste. Here are just a few things I am glad we got and also a few things that were a waste for us.
Things we like and use...

This is our stroller we bought for Hudson. We LOVE it. It's the
Chicco Cortina Travel System, in Discovery. We love it because it comes with a stroller and infant car seat. It folds down easily. It rolls well on rock, grass, and the mall floor! Also, the car seat is very padded so Huddy's tushie is very comfy! It is also very cute and boyish!

These are the
Fisher Price Dual Sounds N Lights Monitor. I wanted to have 2 monitors so I could carry one around the house, or take to the bathroom while I showered or even if I walked outside. The other one of course stays in our bedroom plugged in by our bed. They work great and have little or no static.

Here is Hudson's
Fisher-Price Precious Planet Whale of a Tub. Any infant tub will work, but of course I had to have the one that was super cute. Hudson loves his bath in his little tub. These tubs are good for them to lay back in and relax. He also doesn't slip around in here either.

Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker Bouncy Seat! Oh how I wish I would have had this when Hudson was about 3 weeks old. It vibrates and soothes him almost instantly. We had a portable swing, but he didn't like it too much. I was desperate and had to have something else to put Hudson in during the day other than his bed, my arms, or his swing he didn't love. It also has an activity bar that hangs over his head and he is really starting to reach for his toys.

This is our
Tiny Love Sweet Island Dreams Mobile. It really is good for us because Hudson will lay in there and just listen to his music and kick and stretch and watch the animals go around and around. The only thing I would like to be different about this is the music only stays on 20 minutes and then turns off. Hudson would lay in there longer if it would not turn off. I really liked it for when I was washing the filthy Dr. Browns Bottles.
Which leads me to...
Dr. Brown's are really good for colic but terrible to clean. We only had 7 bottles and it took me 45 minutes to get them and all the 900 parts clean. I did not plan on using these, but my great friend
Anna told me they were the only thing that worked for Gage's colic and I should try them. She gave me some of Gage's to try and she was right, THEY WORKED! But, I have changed back to...
Avent bottles. They do tend to leak if you don't get the lid on just right, but other than that, they work good. They are easy to clean because they only have the ring, nipple, and bottle. I can't wait (well i really can) to wash a days worth to see how much time I save when washing these. I also used these with Colson and he never had a problem with them.
Things we didn't like or use...
1. The
infant sleep positioner. We never used one. We never saw a need for it.
2. The
wipes warmer. I used one with Colson, and the first time I went to use the wipies, they were completely dried out.
3. The
Diaper Genie. They stink, literally. They make me gag. We just throw diapers away in the kitchen trash if they are dirty. That gets taken out quicker than a genie would. We do have a small can in his room for his wet diapers that we take out often as well.
I hope this can help narrow down some options for any expecting parents. Just remember all babies are different and what some love, others wont!