Well, my little baby is now 2 months old. He celebrated his day by getting over his 2 mo. check-up and shots. He did fine getting his shots, but once they kicked in, they made him feel yucky. It was like he was a zombie. As for his appointment, everything went perfect. Hudson now weighs 10lbs, 4.5oz. He has come a long way since he was born(6lbs, 1oz). We were at the doctor for his reflux instead of his well baby check-up so they didn't measure him or tell me his percentiles, so I'll leave that spot blank in the baby book. It's amazing how much he has changed since the very first time I saw him. He learns something new everyday.
Hudson's Tidbits:
--Wears size 1 diapers
--Can wear a lot of his 3 mo clothes
--None of his shoes fit him yet, (but I did order him a pair that should be here in a few days, so I hope they will fit his tiny toes.)
--Will MAYBE, and I stress "maybe", take a 3 hour nap most days,...if I'm lucky
--Wakes up around 3 or 4am for a feeding, then back to bed...that is if he is feeling well
--Experiences "Witching Hour" nightly from 6:00 on the dot, till about 8:00. This is usually a stressful hour around our house. We make sure we are home at this point, because there is nothing you can do to console him except for taking him outside. He's not hungry, wet, dirty, sick or sleepy. Just fussy. NOT FUN...
--Takes 4, sometimes 5oz of formula and at night gets to have cereal added to his milk
--Has started "talking" to us and grinning so big. It melts our hearts! Colson always wants to make him smile.

--His nickname from Colson is "Huds" and "Little Punkin"
--LOVES, and I mean LOVES his passy.
--Got to experience his 1st fishing tournament with his Daddy, and survived. He didn't get to go on stage however, he was waking up from a nap... :(

--Can sit in his Bumbo... which he is still unsure of, but getting the hang of it.

We just love this little addition to our family so much! He is a little doll... We thank God everyday for blessing us with him!