
Blogger Moms...

I've got a question for all you moms out there breastfeeding.... Are there any good books or websites out there that are really helpful and encouraging?? Please share your wisdom and/or any tips!! THANKS!


Leah said...

Hey!! Did you not breastfeed with Colson? If not, congrats on wanting to breastfeed Hudson! A really great site with all the information you would ever need is kellymom.com. I also got The Nursing Mother's Companion. It's a pretty good book. I will tell you, the first month or so is pretty tough and you will feel like all you are doing is nursing, but it's worth it. And once you get past that point its not bad at all. The most frustrating thing for me was how long it took for Perri to nurse. It would literally last 45 minutes to an hour each time, and then I would turn around and have to feed her again in 2 hours. That really doesnt last that long though and now she can nurse in less than 10 minutes. If you have any questions, ask away!! Can't wait for your little boy to get here and to see pics! I know you are so ready!!


I've got no help for you, ha! I just felt compelled to say that.

Jennifer said...

I use kellymom.com as my go to website. La Leche League also has great info. Their website is llli.org I would also encourage you to read Babywise if you are planning on nursing to help with scheduling. Your best contacts will be the lactation nurse at the hospital and at the pediatric clinic. They are usually just a phone call away and can usually see you the day you are having problems. Seriously email me if you have any questions. It can be really tough at first but so worth it!

harris1013 said...

Hey! I am an advocate for breastfeeding. The key is to just relax and find your own way. You can call me 501-860-1406 with questions any time. Don't let the lactation nurses make you feel uncomfortable. The best way for me is using a boppy. I nursed Park for 11 months and still nursing Kennedy who is 4 months old today!!! Good luck! Just remember this is the best thing you could ever do for your newborn.

Kelsey said...

Hey Lindsey. I never used a website with Boston( wish I wouldve known about one!) Thats one of the best places to ask questions after you get home from the hospital. My nursing coach at the hospital was wonderful! She was so patient and with Boston not getting to nurse until she was a few days old(she was in special care) she really caught on fast. My only advice is if you dont feel comfortable with your nursing coach to request another.. dont feel bad.. some are just pushy and assume you know everything. Also like Leah said, it IS time consuming at first and I felt like I sat with that boppy in my lap ALL day! But it will taper off! Good Luck!