We have had such a hectic week that I have been so slow at blogging about Colson's 4th birthday. We had his party at Party Central the last weekend of June so that Jeremiah could be here, but his actual birthday was not until Monday. He had a great turnout for his party, but a poopy day on Monday. I got a phone call about 9am on Monday from my mom and she told me that my dad had a heart attack that morning and he was going to have a stint put in that day. So I woke Colson up by singing Happy Birthday to him and just got him ready as normal. I didn't want him to know his papaw had a broken heart, especially on his special day. Anyway to make a long story short, my sister and I took Colson, Braden, and Hunter to see Ice Age 2, in 3D, and to Larry's Pizza for his big day; I ended up locking my keys in the car when we finally got home, (thank you Lord for Onstar); my dad is feeling better and got to go home today, and so far, everyone is still okay. I'll leave you with a few pictures of Colson's party! Oh, and I went to my weekly dr's appointment today and nothing has changed. Looks like we wont be meeting Hudson this week (this is a good thing tho, Jeremiah is 1400 miles away in New York for a tournament, and will be gone a few more days). I'll update next week on if any progress has been made!