Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I absolutely hate winter time, with a passion. Being all bundled up makes me panic.
2. I hate laundry and cleaning the kitchen. It is never ending and I would rather scrub toilets for 5 hours than have to fold and put away laundry.
3. I love my little boy more and more everyday. He always knows how to put a smile on my face and I can't wait to see him as a BIG Brother!
4. I have the best friend in the world, she is my sister, Julie. We used to fight as kids, but now we have the best relationship.
5. I love to fish with my husband. Well, I like to fish when we are catching them, not so much when he is looking for them. I have no patience.
6. I don't mind when my husband travels out of town. We have a perfect relationship when he is working and gone for a week or two. We just work that way.
7. I have a fear of water, like bodies of water. Even tho we pretty much live on the lake in the summer, I wont jump in the open water.
8. I love my job doing hair, but I am almost ready to go back to school,
9. I love going to Jeremiah's fishing tournaments. I have made so many girlfriends thru FLW, I am sad I wont get to go to the last 2 tournaments because I will be too pregg-o to fly.
10. I am very lactose intolerant.
11. I love to eat candy. Any kind. Anytime.
12. I cannot wait to see my husband in the delivery room when we have this baby. He panicked when they drew blood at my first Dr. appointment.
13. I have come to accept life is not fair. Almost.
14. I have terrible Road Rage.
15. I am addicted to reality TV... Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race, American Idol, Bachelor. I have too many shows to watch
16. I almost vomit at the smell of a chicken boiling. But I love chicken spaghetti and Chicken and Dumplings.
17. I have only moved houses 1 time in my life.
18. I HATE drama and I work in a salon. Crazy. I'm just too old for that and better things to worry about.
19. I can be ridiculously loud.
20. I despise paying bills.
21. I enjoy playing golf. My husband even got me a set of pink clubs for an anniversary, but I have only used them once. I'm not playing by myself.
22. I am a terrible scrapbooker. I started a fishing scrapbook for Jeremiah when we started dating, and only got 2 pages done. That was only because my mom finished them.
23. I recently became addicted to the show LOST. I have been watching the seasons in order, and cant wait to catch up to the current season.
24. I miss being a child, and only worrying about when I was going to play outside, and if my room was clean enough to spend the night with a friend.
25. I could never be a stay at home mom. I enjoy having my own money and not feeling guilty when I spend $200 on a pair of jeans.
I don't tag anyone, I just want to see who does this thing!